Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Julien Martinez Dolls Part III.

Looking for a new home for these Julien Martinez "old-bistrot-french style" dolls.
Please contact me on if you wish to purchase any of the following dolls. 

Le Marseillais

Le Client au Pull Rouge

L'Ouvrier en Salopette

Julien Martinez Dolls Part II.

Looking for a new home for these Julien Martinez "old-bistrot-french style" dolls.
Please contact me on if you wish to purchase any of the following dolls. 

Le Client Rouquin

 Le Curé

Le Viel Homme au Béret

Julien Martinez Dolls Part .

Looking for a new home for these Julien Martinez "old-bistrot-french style" dolls.
Please contact me on if you wish to purchase any of the following dolls. 

Le Vieux Monsieur 

Le Serveur


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Annie Willis dogs for sale!

You can contact me at

MP Créations Xmas Box for Sale!

 You can contact me at